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From Rookie To Race Winner

Lando Norris: The Rising Star of Formula One

From Rookie to Race Winner

24-year-old Lando Norris has made history as the youngest ever British Formula One driver. Hailing from Somerset, Norris joined McLaren in 2016 and made a remarkable rookie season. After 110 starts in Formula One, Norris finally achieved his first victory at the 2022 Miami Grand Prix.

A Natural Talent

Born in Bristol on November 13, 1999, Lando Norris's talent for racing emerged at a young age. He became European Formula 3 Champion in 2017, solidifying his status as a rising star. Despite the intriguing coincidence of sharing a name with Star Wars' Lando Calrissian, the moniker was simply a favorite of his mother.

Norris embodies the determination and flair that have propelled him to the top echelons of the racing world. His impressive performance at McLaren has earned him a loyal following and made him a beacon of hope for British motorsport.
